* MR2TAS Website Launched!
* Debut Cruise Photos Uploaded!


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Welcome to the MR2 Club Website of TAS!
Monday, 31st March, 6:58pm

The Official Website of the Tasmanian Branch of the MR2 Club of Australia has finally been launched! After several months in development it has finally arrived! As the website has only just been completed, please report broken links or missing content to the webmaster, at micklez@hotmail.com, or PM "mista-2" on the MR2.ORG.AU forums!

Enjoy the website



MR2TAS Debut Cruise!
Friday, 2nd November, 12:58pm

The MR2 Club of Australia: Tasmanian Branch held its debut cruise on Saturday the 23rd of June. Northern Members John and Scott met at Latrobe, whilst Southern Members Michael and Juan met a the Derwent Entertainment Center carpark for a midday scheduled meetup at Campbelltown... Read More >>>




Affiliated with the MR2 Club of Australia

Mail The Webmaster

Design layout thanks to http://senkouryu.net. All other content Copyright 2007 MR2TAS.