
The correct title for the organisation is the MR2 Owners Club of Australia, Queensland Chapter Incorporated, but because this is such a mouthful to say our members normally refer to it as “the Club.”

The Club is incorporated under Queensland law as an “Incorporated Association” to protect members interests and ensure that open democratic processes are followed at all times.

Members of the Club are of all different ages, come from all walks of life, and have many different personal interests, but the single thing that brings them together under the Club banner is a shared passion for ownership and driving of the three different models that make up the legendary Toyota MR2 marque.

The Club caters for all flavours of MR2 ownership, including road, track, and display. Regular monthly activities are held to ensure that ample opportunity is provided for members to exercise their cars while sharing their experiences with other like-minded MR2 owners.

The Club also has access to technical resources about the three MR2 models and our Technical Directors are qualified mechanics with many years of experience on these vehicles.

If you live in Queensland and own an MR2, or are thinking of owning an MR2, or are just want to find out how good MR2 ownership really is, then this is the Club for you.

Membership is only $50.00 per year which makes the Club one of the cheapest car clubs to belong to, our activities are very informal, “politics” is forbidden, and new members are always made welcome.

If you are interested in finding out what the Club is about then either talk to one of the Committee members whose details are on this website under “Contacts“, join the facebook page and send us a message or alternatively join the MR2 Forum through the link on the front page and make your interest known in the Queensland section.

We hope to see you at a Club activity soon.

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