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* Debut Cruise Photos Uploaded!


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MR2TAS Debut Cruise - Hobart/Devonport to Campbelltown
Saturday, 23rd June, 2007

The MR2 Club of Australia: Tasmanian Branch held its debut cruise on Saturday the 23rd of June. Northern Members John and Scott met at Latrobe, whilst Southern Members Michael and Juan met a the Derwent Entertainment Center carpark for a midday scheduled meetup at Campbelltown. This was the first time members of each sub branch of the club were to meet in person. The journey either way took approximately an hour and a half, and the midlands highway proved to be a scenic drive for all members. The journey was not trouble free for all members however, as Juan encountered an issue with a recently installed boost controller, and the SW20 GT's infamous boost cut left him with no option but to pull over and start his car again. Aside from this small problem, all members met at Campbelltown at 12 noon for lunch at Subway. After an hour or so checking out each other's rides, discussing mods and technical info, the boys decided it was time for a cruise...

Michael, Juan, Scott and John left Campbelltown for a 'spirited drive' to Meetus falls, along many beautiful roads, offering fantastic winter scenery, though varying road conditions and a mix of long straights and hairpin turns. After a stop off at the Meetus falls national park for a light bushwalk and a look at the waterfalls, the boys took off again for Lake Leake, which proved to be a fantastic spot for a photo oppurtunity. By this time, it was becoming dark, so the boys headed off home. All in all, though the turnout was very small, the debut cruise proved to be a worthwhile experience for all involved

- Michael "MISTA2"


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